Riser Recliner Mechanisms
Primacare offers the most extensive range of mechanisms in the UK which gives you a choice to find the perfect position for relaxing and that extra help when standing.
To see how our chairs work, please click on the video:
Throughout much of our descriptions of chairs we talk about Riser Recliner ‘Mechanisms’. The mechanism is the steel frame or chassis onto which all the chair frame and foam upholstery are mounted. Arrangements come in many different configurations and sizes that allow the chair to move in many different ways.
The most straightforward action is the Single motor Tilt-in-space action which has a simple two button handset, but the chair can still give a comfortable TV position with the legs up, a tilted back recline position with the legs elevated above the hips and a riser position for ease of exit from the chair. This action accounts for over 80% of our production.
The following diagrams show typical photos and a brief description of the eight types of mechanisms we use. In addition to these electric mechanisms, we can make ‘rise only’ and recline only’ if necessary.

Got a question, call our friendly team on 01685 845900